Tips for Getting Your AC Unit Spring-Ready

Tips for Getting Your AC Unit Spring-Ready

Changing HVAC FilterYour air conditioner keeps your home comfortably cool in the spring. This is the season when the weather starts warming up. The rising temperatures in springtime compels you to you start using your AC unit again. However, your air conditioner has been sitting dormant for months and probably needs a tune-up. Here are four tips to help you get your air conditioning in Pittsburgh, PA, ready for spring.

Clean Dirt and Debris

In fall and winter, your air conditioner doesn't get much use. This lax treatment of your AC leads to a major buildup of dirt and debris. One of the first things you should do is thoroughly clean your air conditioner of leaves, dirt, dust, and other types of debris from the outside of the AC unit, then carefully examine and clean the inside. Pay special attention to the air ducts. Your AC unit recycles air from the air ducts, and any dirt and debris left in there will be circulated through your home.

Keep an eye out for bugs and other pests that might have made a home around or inside your AC. And don't forget to clear overgrowth from plants or trees, trash buildup, and other debris from around the unit. There should be at least two feet of clearance around the entire AC unit. If you're having a hard time cleaning your air conditioner, you can hire a technician from a reputable AC service to help you. A clean air conditioner will run smoother, reduce allergens, and enhance air quality.

Do a Trial Run

Once you're done cleaning your unit, the best thing to do next is give your air conditioning a test run. Let the unit run between 30 minutes to one hour. While the AC is running, examine how the unit is working inside and outside of your home. Take note of any weird noises and if any part looks amiss. Have an expert from a reliable air conditioning repair service fix any issues and replace broken or worn parts right away. Doing maintenance on your air conditioning sooner rather than later will increase your unit's efficiency and longevity.

Change the Filter

Regularly changing the filter in your air conditioner is extremely important, especially in southern cities like Pittsburgh. A worn filter lets particles seep through the air conditioner into the home. This can cause allergies to flare up and even damage the AC unit. Spring is the ideal time to change the filter in your air conditioner. The air quality in your home will improve, and the AC unit will work better.

Schedule Preventative Maintenance

Backyard AC UnitScheduling a preventative maintenance session with an AC repair technician will ensure that your air conditioner will work throughout the spring and summer months. A trained technician can identify potential issues like leaks, broken or worn parts, clogs, etc. and make repairs before these problems cause major damage to your AC unit.

Your air conditioner is one of the most important systems used during spring and summer. Getting air conditioning service in Pittsburgh, PA, done early in spring will prevent your unit from breaking down later on when the weather gets extremely hot. Instead of worrying about your AC failing, you will be able to enjoy a cool, comfortable home all spring and summer long.

Stahl Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning in Pittsburgh, PA, has more tips to help you get your AC unit spring-ready. Email us at or call us at 412-273-1000.